14 March 2018

Kin no Kanojo Gin no Kanojo Ch.35

To celebrate White Day, have some Gold and Silver.

Quite a good chapter, and the 2nd? longest yet (after Ch3).


Download Chapter 35

And now a few random bits of trivia about some older references made in the chapter.  Nothing of much import, though.

"It is no longer the postwar." (mohaya sengo de wa nai) - A phrase from the Japanese Economic White Paper, published in the mid-1950s.  The phrase gained popularity, and was meant to reflect Japan's thriving economy and production, and proclaim that they've moved forward since the war/occupation, into a new era.  As far as relevance in the chapter, it's basically used to refer to the late 1950s.

"Life is brief; fall in love, maidens." (inochi mijikashi, koi se yo, otome) - Opening line from a ballad written in 1915, called "Gondola no Uta", or "The Gondola Song".  You can read the full lyrics here, if you're interested.


  1. Thank you for the new chapter. The manga has really grown on me. Btw, did you write "danke schon" because English doesn't have umlaute (since it's "danke schön")?

    1. Sort of. The problem was that the fonts used don't have it, so trying to write it correctly ended up with the ö in a different, generic font, which looked terrible.

    2. Hah, didn't even think of that. Thanks for putting so much care into the releases.
