24 January 2018

Only Sense Online Ch.37

No matter what online manga readers may come to life or die out, you'll always be able to find the chapters here.

Amario's raw release missed a page, so that one had to be found elsewhere.  Unfortunately, the replacement page ended up being slightly blurry.  Not a big issue, but in case you notice it, that's the reason.

Enjoy the chapter!

Download Chapter 37


  1. Umm, it says 36 on the thing so I got confused for a bit. Anyways, I appreciate your works

  2. Thank you for your work! Very very much appreciated.

    Would you happen to know if there are any or how many more chapters ahead the raws are?

    1. Sure do. Chapter 38 just came out on the 24th(?), and once that's translated, we'll be all caught up until the end of February.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
