16 May 2016

Kin no Kanojo Gin no Kanojo Ch.03

A new series I AM picking up!  Renzokusei translated the first 2 chapters, so I'll be continuing on from chapter 3.

This chapter was quite long, at 58 pages!  Add to that the fact that the original used a bunch of different fonts, which I get caught up in trying to match (even though I'm not good at picking them), and you have a very time-consuming chapter.  Later chapters should be easier, though, now that I've more or less gotten that out of the way.

A few notes regarding Renzokusei's first 2 chapters:
-They didn't use suffixes like -san, -sama, etc., and part of this chapter mentions them, so if there's a bit of confusion about it, just imagine everyone in the first 2 chapters used -san or -hime or whatever when talking to each other.
-Chapter 1 was from a magazine, so it didn't have the extra 4-koma at the end.  I included that, as well as the cover and table of contents.  Nothing super important, but some people like to have it.

Last part of the boring stuff, I promise.  The only raws I could find online for this sucked, so I had to buy my own.  I don't have much money for this, so I put a donate button on the side there.  If you have any spare money lying around and want to help get more chapters of this out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy the chapter!

Download Chapter 1 extras
Download Chapter 3


  1. Big thanks for picking this series up! Looking forward to more of your releases!

  2. JokerxHisoka16 May, 2016 23:54

    thnx for the release

  3. Thanks for picking up this series. So happy to see it return and I am eagerly looking forward to future chapters. <3

  4. thanks a bunch

  5. You're awesome for translating this! I can't wait to read it! Thank you!

  6. I've been waiting for someone to pick this up since Renzo came out with the first chapters a year ago. Thank you very much! Looking forward to the continuation of this series

  7. Thanks for the release! I picked this series up when I saw your update, it's been awesome so far!

  8. Thannks for picking this up! Such a good manga!

  9. Why not try going jcafe for the raws?

    1. I did check there, but unless someone put up new ones since I started working on this, the raws weren't very good.
      Comparison: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/173491

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